What are you doing shortly after a car accident?

 What are you doing shortly after a car accident?

This article will guide you through the basic protocol that you can follow immediately after an accident.

Car accidents are common accidents on Indian roads. Minor to major accidents occur every day every few minutes. Accidents can be devastating for the individual and the family and are largely unpredictable events. In such circumstances, it is important to understand what to do right after a car accident to keep yourself safe from any life-threatening damage.

The things you have to do after a car accident.

Getting involved in a car accident can be a shock to both the individual and the family. These are extremely unpredictable events that cannot even be understood by the most seasoned drivers. It is always recommended to adhere to some basic guidelines to keep yourself safe from significant damage. Here's a simple protocol you can follow right after an accident.

Stop your car immediately.

According to the law, anyone who has been involved in a car accident must stop his car immediately regardless of the outcome of the accident. Leaving the scene will be severely punished by a hit-and-run case so make sure you stay at the scene and check for injuries and damage to the car.

Avoid anger and FIR file

It is common to be very frustrated by the damage to your precious car in an accident. However, it is important to control your nerves and deal with this issue patiently. Be sure to submit an FIR at the nearest police station immediately after the incident and get medical help if there are any injuries. Refrain from entering into settlement negotiations without the assistance of a lawyer in the event of any major incidents because such negotiations may involve complex legal clauses that can be used against you.

Note details of the incident

After the accident, be sure to take note of the details of the accident and list the damage to your car and third-party vehicle. Take pictures of the scene and gather details of the third party involved in the incident with witnesses. Note below the license plate number, time and date of the accident. Taking these details will help you if the third party approaches the Motor Accident Claims Court for a legal settlement.

Inform the insurance provider/company

Having car insurance will help you deal with your financial obligations especially when such cases involve costs. It is wise to inform your insurance provider of the incident as soon as possible. In the event of any significant damage to your car or third-party car, the accident is narrated to the insurance company as it is and your car is insured. Make sure all the necessary documents are provided at the time of the survey and be honest about the details of the incident.

Follow up with your insurance provider

Never neglect to follow up with your insurance company. Attend their calls and make sure you cooperate with the survey team in order to claim insurance on your car. If the incident is significant, you may have to deal with time-consuming but necessary legal proceedings. You can also talk to an experienced lawyer if necessary to deal with the effects of the situation. They will ensure that you receive legal aid while speaking to your third-party insurance provider to avoid jeopardizing your claim.

Take away

Car accidents can be shocking and have expensive consequences. Make sure you have appropriate car insurance to cover you and your valuables and follow the protocol properly in order to stay safe from exploitation. Safe engine!

Read also 

How to claim car insurance after an accident encounter in India?

The best car insurance companies that provide personal accident coverage

Disclaimer: This article is published in the public interest and is intended for public information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as crucial in nature, and further research or expert consultation should be conducted in this regard.

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