Car insurance for university students

 Car insurance for university students

College can come with some important expenses - from tuition to room and accommodation. You (or your parents) may be looking for ways to reduce some costs, including saving some money on your car insurance. It's important to get car insurance at the right price, but it's also a good idea to find the right coverage to meet your needs. If you need some help starting, this video answers some common questions about car insurance for college students:

High quality car coverage starts here.

When you drive with high quality coverage, you drive with peace of mind. Allstate car insurance can help you stay protected wherever the road takes you.

Here are some tips for college students shopping for car insurance:

Should college students have their own car insurance policy?

You may wonder if you need your car insurance policy now that you are getting away from home. The answer depends on where you live while you're at school and who owns the car you're driving.

Where are you going to live?

If your parents' address is still your permanent address while you are in college, you may be able to keep the car you drive on your car insurance policy (depending on who owns the car).

If you live on campus or temporarily rent an apartment during the school year, check with your agent to see if you can stay in accordance with your parents' policy or if you will need your own accommodation.

Who's the name of the car?

Who owns the car is one factor in whether a college student needs his own car insurance policy.

If the car is your parents' address and you take it with you to school, you may be able to stay on your family car insurance policy.

If the car has a shared address - it contains your name and that of a parent - you may be able to stay on your parents' car insurance policy.

If your name is at the address, you'll likely need to buy an insurance policy on your car in your name.

Can parents keep car insurance in another state?

If you are a parent who is studying his child out of state, you may be able to keep your student on your car insurance policy, if you own the car he or she will take to school. Otherwise, he may need to buy his own separate insurance policy.

Car insurance coverage considerations for university students

If you or your child has started college, it's good to check your current insurance policy to make sure it provides the protection you need, whether you live on campus or move in.

For example, if a student takes a car to school, think about where it will be stopped. If they are often parked abroad, consider comprehensive coverage. It may help pay to replace the car if stolen or repaired if it is damaged by things such as cold or vandalism.

Covering a collision may be a good idea if a student will drive to and from class, for example. It may help pay to repair your car if damaged in an accident with another car or object.

If you are renting or financing a car, collision and comprehensive coverage are usually required by your lender. If the student-driven car is paid, you may be able to drop one or both coverage from your car insurance policy to help provide premiums. Just remember, if your car is damaged and you don't have comprehensive coverage or collision coverage, your insurance policy won't pay to fix your car.

Car insurance discounts for college students

If you (or your parents) are looking to save money on your car premium now that you are in college, many insurance companies offer discounts to college students.

Resident student discount

If the car you drive is usually your mother or father's address and you leave it at their home during your stay on campus, you may be able to save them some extra dollars. If your college is at least 100 miles from home, your parents may qualify for a "resident student" discount because you won't drive the family car frequently after you're away at school.

Good class discount

The benefits of a good grade on your car insurance policy do not stop when you graduate from high school. Most insurance companies offer a good discount to single students full-time up to the age of 25. Ask your agent if you are eligible for a discount on your car insurance bill if you continue to get good grades in higher education studies.

Multiple policy discount

College students who rent an apartment and have their own car insurance policy may qualify for a discount on the collection of car and tenant insurance policies. Many insurance companies offer savings to customers who have multiple policies with the company.

Anti-theft device discount

It's a good idea to look at local crime statistics before taking temporary residence. This can help you choose an apartment in a safer neighborhood and help you prepare for life in your new surroundings. If you're going away to college and bringing your car, it might be a good time to buy an anti-theft device for your car. Doing so may reduce the likelihood of stealing your things and also land you a discount on your car insurance.

There is no single car insurance recommendation for college students. Each student has his or her own individual needs, which in turn may affect the amount of coverage required and the dollar amount of the premium. To create a policy that suits your needs, talk to an agent near you.

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